Chiautla de Tapia

CHIAUTLA DE TAPIA: The Pearl of the Mixteca.

 There are a lot of places than you can visit and meet the magic of Chiautla.  Chiautla de Tapia is located in the southeast of the state of Puebla.  The weather is really hot around 35 ° C.
 First, our most important places are the churches San Agustin, Tlanichiautla, San Miguel, Xochitepec, and Cristo Rey and each one has its patronal party a long time. One interesting thing is that in Auguts White flowers appear called lilis, very traditional that the people choose one day to cut them. Also we cand find the Cerro de los Judios, where there is rupestre painting that is an antecedent of the prehispanic civilizations, and the Gilberto Bosques; during the second world war, an due to his greast value he saved families. The museum is located in te center of the city. The traditions and customs are related to religion. Some would be:
December 12 – Celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
August 28 – Celebration of San Agustin.
The people ire very kind, friendly, worker and humble. Meeting this beautiful and tradicional place.


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